About Me

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Ashburn, VA, United States
I am a Freelance Writer and Editor working on my first book! LOVE to read, write and meet interesting people. Mother of two of THE most fabulous children who have ever walked the face of this earth! They are my world and my inspiration. I look forward to using this blog as an opportunity to further enhance my writing skills, build my platform while learning and growing as a writer and as a person. This is a way to share my life experiences and thoughts with others. Welcome to my wacky world!! :-D

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Time Wounds; All Heals

Here's my thought for today. How does one explain disappointment and the countless ways to handle it to your child when you ~ as a parent are having a difficult time yourself? How can I impart these "Life Lessons" to my children ~ the right way? "Parents are supposed to have all of the answers", my six and a half year old son said to me recently. It hit me like a ton of bricks that in my child's mind, Mommy is supposed to know how to fix EVERYTHING. But how can we safely guide them through life's many disappointments if we are finding it difficult ourselves? As a parent, I strive each and everyday to teach my children something of value ~ a profound lesson that can help them navigate through life's muddy waters. Lately though, I have found myself struggling...Logic and faith teach me to turn to God and I rely on my faith as a guidepost because experience has taught me so. While I have "learned to stay the course" because Time wounds; All heals. When is it safe to let go? I find myself questioning if what I am doing "now" is "right" for my children in the future... The delicate balance is to help my babies understand these lessons that are both necessary and painful to grow as individuals. That can be a heavy load for both parent and child. I tread lightly ~ Worry about nothing and PRAY about EVERYTHING!! As a Mother, my natural instinct is to "protect them from every thing that could potentially hurt them". And that is no easy feat! Five and Six year-olds are a tough audience because they want to know "why" and "how come" about everything ~ they want to do it their way. Parents ~ Lord knows, we want nothing but the very best for our little ones. After all, they are so wondrous, eager to learn, smart as whips ~ and we are so very fortunate to be in their company! I need them to know that sometimes life is gonna hurt BUT that things WILL get better ~ even if it requires a little time and maybe change....I guess the human me is struggling with having the patience ~ while waiting for the answer(s). The good thing is, the answers will come. I will be still and follow God's Road Map.
Life has taught me that if you follow his instructions, the Map is not too difficult to read. He will guide you ~ Now, if only I can "just be"... My two cents.

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