About Me

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Ashburn, VA, United States
I am a Freelance Writer and Editor working on my first book! LOVE to read, write and meet interesting people. Mother of two of THE most fabulous children who have ever walked the face of this earth! They are my world and my inspiration. I look forward to using this blog as an opportunity to further enhance my writing skills, build my platform while learning and growing as a writer and as a person. This is a way to share my life experiences and thoughts with others. Welcome to my wacky world!! :-D

Friday, December 31, 2010

Put the past where it belongs ~ in the past

With the New Year rapidly approaching, I spent a few quiet moments this morning reflecting on this past year, thinking about all that has happened and the lessons I have learned.

First and foremost, I have closed the door to pain, suffering, bitterness and anger. I will no longer allow myself to be the victim. There have been way too many lows, but thankfully there HAVE been enough highs to pull me from the darkness into the light.

I do not have all of the answers but understand that while I have been knocked all the way down ~ I'm still standing!! I feel a great sense of pride in knowing that I am a survivor!

Yes, I am thankful for the bad times, for I have gained so much power and inner strength from them.

Speaking of bad times ~ I have come to embrace them and have made my peace, for without them I would not have had the opportunity to see just what I am truly made of!

Will I ever love again? YES, absolutely!! I already am and I realize that I must take it one day at a time. I am open and ready to receive God's grace. I know He has a plan for me, a special someone in mind for me ~ He is revealing it to me slowly as it should be, for patience is a virtue and another lesson I've had to learn.

Life goes on and in order to be a part of it, I recognize that I must move on with it. That happens by letting go of old hurt and anger and allowing myself the beauty and freedom to forgive.

Remember, the most important thing any of us can do is to breathe, know that we have made it through the most difficult part by swallowing life's bitter pill.

No good can come of reliving all of the pain and angst you have suffered. Realize that "bad things" happen for a reason ~ to help you grow, become stronger and wiser than you ever thought you could be.

In spite of the hurt, you must also allow yourself to be open to the new possibilities and opportunities. Courage is about taking risks. With Great Love comes Great Risk ~ I am ready! In order to receive all of the good that God has in store for you are you willing to risk? If so, then put the past where it belongs ~ IN THE PAST. Happy New Year! Just My Two Cents...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What real women are like...

I found this on stumble upon and really enjoyed it so I wanted to share it with you. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Happy Reading and and HUGE thanks to Megan for letting me borrow it.

Real women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree.
The men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy.

So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing! They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one
who's BRAVE enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.

Is there anyone out there who is brave enough to make the climb? Just My Two Cents...

Monday, December 27, 2010

My Claim to Fame...

Gosh, if there is one thing I have learned that has truly resonated with me this year is that forgiveness never comes easy ~ but it comes. Just takes a little time, lots of patience and faith!

One of my readers left a very nice comment the other day and asked what I will Blog about now that I have closed the door to all of the bitterness and ugliness of 2010 and swung WIDE open the door to 2011. A year to be filled with many Blessings, new challenges and all of the good God has intended for me.

Well, let me just take a step back and first say that I am thankful for those bad times. Quite honestly, without them, how would I have learned what it really means to forgive? I have not forgotten, I have dealt with it and put it in it's place. Holding onto it will get me no where fast.

No one can bring you down faster or easier than you and I have no desire to be the torch bearer for hatred, anger or bitterness. Instead, I chose to break the cycle and be the change. I look ahead with a new found sense of freedom that can only come from the release of all of that garbage ~ and believe me, there has been a ton of it.

Who cares what anyone thinks of me? I am staying positive even though negativity can come from some unexpected places... I forgive and continue to surround myself with positive people who have like me, came through the storm and made it out.

I am WOMAN ~ Hear me ROAR! I am a survivor ~ watch out world, here I come. I am a Child of God. Knock me down, I WILL get back up! For you see, I do have faith and that faith has carried me through the darkness. No matter what anyone thinks or says, I remain strong and Life does go on.

So what is there left for me to talk about now? Well, unfortunately the world is still full of hurt, angst ridden and angry people. I am simply an instrument to help inspire others who are going through hell. They need to know that they too can make it from the darkness into the light ~ I did! With trust, faith and inspiration anything is possible!

That is it. That is my "Claim to Fame" ~ to do my part and just help. Sharing my story was only the beginning...Let's see where this leads us. Just My Two Cents...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

2011 ~ The Year of Kimberly!

Happy Holidays to you all and a HUGE Thanks to everyone that has stood by me during this very difficult and pain filled year!! I am truly blessed to have this venue as a way to express myself while going through so many different changes.

My road to self discovery has been long, arduous and often painful. Finding my true self has helped make the journey worthwhile. There are still questions; many angst-ridden days, sometimes filled with tears. Yet through the Grace (Boy have I have come to a new appreciation of the word Grace) of God, I have survived!

One of the most important lessons I have learned is that sometimes when you are going through hell, you find out just how strong you really are! Trust me, I HAVE been to hell and danced with the devil himself! I have been afraid, I have cried so many tears that my soul wept... But I am STILL standing!

My ex-husband tried to destroy me and it literally knocked me down so hard that it was tough to stand back up. I stand because I had to. I am a survivor, a Child of God and most importantly, I am a Mother. My children are my "Gifts" from God and there was no way I could just lay down and "let this happen". So, I fought back hard! I have literally been in the fight of my life and my children's lives. It still pains me that they had to suffer at all...but children are very resilient.

The tough times have brought us closer and my relationship with them is so beautiful and more loving than ever. The bond is unbreakable and unshakable! I cannot even articulate how I feel when I walk into their classroom for instance, and see them just light up! Yesterday, I attended each of their class holiday parties and when I walked in all I heard was "Mama"! My 7 year old who will not let me kiss him at the bus stop, literally lept into my arms because he was so happy I was there. My heart is filled with a love like no other!

I have let go of all of my anger. It was not easy because so much dirt has been done. I realize though that there is nothing to be gained by even repeating it. That is not to say that there are still not times when I do not cry because I do.

All that matters and what is most important is that I am still here. Stronger because of my hard times. Wiser because of my mistakes. Believe it or not, I am happier because of my sad times and much, much smarter because of my confusion.

I have forgiven and that single act has allowed me to become stronger than I ever imagined.

My heart is now open to receive all of the good God has intended for me. I have closed the door to all of the ugliness of 2010 and I claim 2011 as my year. The Year of Kimberly! Just My Two Cents

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Holding on to anger...

Buddah once said that, "Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else; you are the only one getting burned." What a powerful lesson!

Holding onto anger makes you sick, literally. I have spent so much time and energy being angry over what happened to me that I have forgotten about the two beautiful Blessings that are right before my very eyes ~ My Children!

Yes, my ex-husband has done some of the most unthinkable things to me. He has wounded me very deeply. There are times when I STILL weep! But being angry with him has only stunted my growth as a woman, as a mother and as a Child of God.

It took getting physically sick, losing so much weight that I did not even recognize myself, to realize that he is the loser, NOT me. I am Blessed to be able to spend every waking moment with my children. I will watch them grow. I will teach them to be God-Fearing, kind-hearted, loving and generous souls. I will not miss a milestone, he will.

There is no need to begrudge him, in fact I actually feel sorry for him. He has to live with what he has done. It has been a slow process at times but I am healing and moving on. I will not let the pain of what he did keep me down.

For you see, I HAVE been all the way down to the deepest and darkest pit; but you know what? God was standing there right with me. He NEVER let me go. He has shown me the way home, only this time we have taken a better, more scenic route with many lessons learned along the path.

There is a lot to be said about the old adage, "No pain, no gain." It took me to get sick to truly realize all of my gifts. It has been very, very painful at times. I have been uncertain as to how I was going to preserve, but I have!

I cannot and will not sit around constantly wondering "Why me?" Well, why not me?! I have learned so much. Like, life does go on and it is beautiful. All you have to do is take that leap of faith into living IT.

Holding onto anger does nothing but let enemy win. I am no loser. I have finally let go, really let go of my anger toward my ex. I feel so free that at times I actually have to pinch myself. Even when he tries to do harm to me again, he cannot hurt me. I have taken the power away from him!

You know what, it is he who can't even look me in the eye. I can feel his uncomfortableness when he is around, which is not too often these days. He tried to break me and take away the loves of my life. He FAILED miserably! No one will ever be able to break that bond or take that love from me.

I am a warrior Child of God. Anger and bitterness have no place in my heart. I only have room for Love and all the Blessings that come with it!

Yes, I have danced with the devil and just as God promised, I came out the winner. I held steadfast in my Faith and trusted God completely. Even though at times it did get a bit scary alas, I am okay.

Life really is too short to be bitter. My children love me so much. I love them even more and we are TRULY, Happy. Better still, if you are open, Love will come to you again, only it will be so much sweeter. This too I have recently learned.

Are you holding onto anger? If you answer yes, I implore you to ~ LET IT GO! You don't want to get burned do ya? Just My Two Cents...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Where do you stand?

Life is full of painful lessons. Sometimes they can really knock you down. Know that what really counts is how many times you get up! Learn from your mistakes and keep it moving.

There is a saying that when God wants to send you a Blessing, He wraps it up in a problem. It is so true. Hold on and keep your faith for this too shall pass. At times, it will not be easy, in fact, quite often it is the most painful time of your life. Stand with God and your faith will become unshakable.

It is always good to know where you stand, even if it is not where you want to be, because you WILL weather the storm if you stand firm in your belief. So, where do you stand? Just My Two Cents....