About Me

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Ashburn, VA, United States
I am a Freelance Writer and Editor working on my first book! LOVE to read, write and meet interesting people. Mother of two of THE most fabulous children who have ever walked the face of this earth! They are my world and my inspiration. I look forward to using this blog as an opportunity to further enhance my writing skills, build my platform while learning and growing as a writer and as a person. This is a way to share my life experiences and thoughts with others. Welcome to my wacky world!! :-D

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The reflection

If you see too many ripples in your life, look deeply into the water's reflection ~ there you will see the one throwing the stones causing the ripples in the first place.

For me, the saddest thing to recognize has been that the person throwing the stones is someone whom I completely trusted. At times, I cannot even fathom how much it breaks my heart to know that someone I loved could actually set out to completely destroy me, yet emphatically state how much they "love me".

What was the purpose? I can't begin to tell you how many times I have stood in front of the mirror asking myself, "why"? I have often wondered who the person staring back at me is because sometimes I haven't recognized her.

After all that I have been through, I realize that I have changed. I am no longer the naive woman I once was. I still believe in love, in spite of the pain, I still know that I will be able to trust again...Time wounds all heals.

I know there will be good days and there will be bad days ~ eventually the pain and betrayal will be but a distant memory but the lessons I have learned will stay with me forever.

Last evening, while sitting in Mass, I asked God to just release me from feeling angry. I can honestly say that I have never hated anyone no matter what has been said and done to me ~ and believe me a LOT has been attempted to assassinate my character to the tune of bringing in outsiders who do not know one thing about me.

Although I have chosen to let it all go, It tickles me to recognize the irony of it all. I can look every single person that was involved in the eye yet they cannot look at me. That speaks volumes in and of itself! I pity them all for they had no idea what they were up against.

It is now time to let go so that I can heal and move on to the bigger and better things God has planned for me. My faith assures me that there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel and as sure as I am writing this, I can see the light!! I am holding on and holding my own.

The woman in the mirror staring back at me is stronger, wiser and more self assured than she was even before! I surround myself with like-minded people, true friends who have my best interest at heart and have held my hand while standing in the muck with me. I am truly blessed!!

My reflection holds so much promise, I say to the ones who have tried and failed to destroy me ~ you can NEVER take down a Child of God! Say what you want, I am here to stay, I have a voice and it will be heard. You hold absolutely no power over me!

The reflection shows a woman of great character who has been mired down in the muck for many years, but I am a fighter and a winner and no one will ever be able to take that from me no matter how much mud they sling! Bring it!! Just my Two Cents.

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