About Me

My photo
Ashburn, VA, United States
I am a Freelance Writer and Editor working on my first book! LOVE to read, write and meet interesting people. Mother of two of THE most fabulous children who have ever walked the face of this earth! They are my world and my inspiration. I look forward to using this blog as an opportunity to further enhance my writing skills, build my platform while learning and growing as a writer and as a person. This is a way to share my life experiences and thoughts with others. Welcome to my wacky world!! :-D

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Every Day is a Brand New Day!

God does not ask about our ability, but our availability. Are you available to Him? Are you ready to receive the many lessons that life has to teach us?

If you answered yes then you must be willing to free your mind of clutter and that includes the clutter of worrying about what others may think of you.

Have you ever heard the saying that if you chase two rabbits, both will escape? It is true, it is so important to focus on one thing at a time.

You know what happens when you spread yourself to thin? Every thing falls apart. Your mind must be free and clear to make the best decisions and to follow the path God has chosen for you.

Know that it is okay to make mistakes. In fact, mistakes are how we learn and grow as individuals so please do not ever equate a mistake with failure. We can learn from mistakes ~ failure is the path of LEAST persistence, it is the easy way out!

To grow and move beyond pain you must be willing to put you self out there. If you aim at nothing, believe me, you will hit it every time. NOTHING! Do not be afraid, for as long as you are committed to soldering on, then you know all will be okay. Life can throw some hard curve balls ~ you got to be ready.

We are human and as such sometimes the world is gonna seem like it is too much to carry ~ we are going to stumble and fall, but we CAN , if we so choose to pick ourselves up and keep on going because God has so many things to teach us if only we are willing to learn. If not, we are doomed to repeat mistakes.

When I have a good day I am so very Thankful and believe it or not when I am not having a good day, I am STILL Thankful because God is ALWAYS good to me and will hold my hand, walk beside me and BELIEVE me I KNOW he has actually carried me when I have been too weak to go on.

The thing with me is that no matter what, no matter how tired, sad and defeated I may feel ~ I WILL PREVAIL and that is what keeps me in the game ~ of life. For EVERY Day is a BRAND New Day and a chance to start all over with a clean slate! Just my Two Cents...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Do not let roadblocks stop you from living your life.

Do you ever have those days where you ask yourself "Why?" It seems like every time you try to get ahead, you end up in an endless circle and you just want to curl up in a ball and stay in bed because it does feel safer than facing the day... everything in your world is going crazy!

Who, you might be inclined to ask, in their right mind wants to face that? Well, no matter how difficult, we cannot hide! First, recognize that we ALL have days like these.

Life is full of roadblocks and setbacks but you cannot STOP living your life! You must GET UP! Then get moving and have the Faith and the COURAGE to face yet another day of challenges.

God can heal Anything and EVERYTHING if you give it over to Him. Talk to someone with words of wisdom to help steer you through your trials. Never, ever be ashamed to ask for guidance/directions.

Please BELIEVE me, as I speak from personal experience only, there are MANY days when I am simply at my wits end, I am feeling down, like I am drowning ~ being pulled under the tide...I sometimes feel all beat up and broken down, that I am at the end of my rope and haven't the faintest idea as to how I am going to make it through another day....

I would be lying if I said I haven't felt like giving up hope but I know that God does not (no matter how cliche it sounds) give you more than you can handle! Personally speaking, with His unconditional LOVE as well as the LOVE of my two children I can and WILL preserve!! I cry out, "Lord, God PLEASE help me make it through this day!"

Life is tough but you have to be tougher ~ so strap on your armor each and every day, dig DEEP inside and find your God-given strength! Keep on climbing that humongous mountain for as long as you do not give up ~ you can make it!

I still struggle, but each day I make it closer and closer to reaching the prize, knowing in my soul that eventually, I will be standing on the top! Please do not give up because of life's roadblocks ~ keep on moving ~ you will get there!! Just my Two cents......

Friday, June 25, 2010

Never let go of Hope...

In spite of pain, trials and all the various upheavals that life throws our way, trusting in Jesus is the only way to give your life a renewed sense of self worth and hope.

So, how do you respond when life blindsides you with a curve ball? Does hope slip away? Do you feel as though God has deserted you?

The answer my friends, is a resounding NO! Do not let negative thoughts and naysayers steer you toward the brink of losing your identity in Christ.

Instead, hold on to Him even more tightly and TRUST Him. God always keeps His promises in His time not ours, but ALWAYS RIGHT on time ~ Ever notice that?!

It is during these turbulent times that the naysayers/evildoers attack. Now more that ever it is imperative to your very essence that you remain steadfast in your faith and continue on the path that God has set forth for us.

Again, it sounds cliche but alas so very true, it is ALWAYS darkest before the dawn. But it shall pass!! Remember, "The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing." (Proverbs 10:28) Never let go of hope!! Just my two cents.......

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Joy is on its way...

Tonight's Blog is going to be short, to the point but hopefully very sweet and inspiring.

Pamela McQuade, a beautiful Spiritualist and Author so eloquently states in one of her teachings that, "Trials have a purpose in our lives."

And they do. That purpose is to teach and lead us on the path that God has chosen for each one of us, so we are tested. Sometimes we get sidetracked and need guidance, we are human after all.

Do not fear, for He is with you, never once letting go. God sends guidance in many ways so watch for and be mindful of the signs for it can be easy to miss if you are not paying attention.

As sure as a goldsmith heats up gold to purify it, so to does God heat up our lives to make spiritual impurities rise to the surface. Isn't that completely amazing and wondrous?

We are free to make the choice to listen to Him and when we do, our sins/impurities are erased from our lives ~ we get a clean slate (so to speak) and an opportunity to renew and strengthen our faith.

Our new "cleansed" lives bring glory to God and joy to each of us. Trust God and forgive wrongs that have been done to you with your whole heart because forgiveness is so very FREEING!!

The naysayers that have tried to render you powerless now have absolutely no power over you!! Stand firm in your faith!! If a trial lies before you today, visualize the joy that awaits you ~ for it is truly on its way!!

"The genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 1:7) God Bless and Peace be with us all! Just my two cents...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Naysayers....

To all of my followers; first I want to sincerely thank you for your loyalty and support. It is because of you that I remain committed to my goal of inspiring and encouraging anyone going through tough times.

Do not be discouraged. Please remain true to your faith and to yourself. "Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. It is not enough that a thing be possible for it to be believed." Voltaire.

The lesson ~ remain firmly rooted in your faith! Life can deal some hard blows, but if you dig deep enough and keep your hands in God's hands, you WILL find the courage and fortitude to withstand anything life throws your way.

Do not be discouraged because of naysayers ~ remember that they do not come from a place of truth and their sole function is to keep you mired down in the muck! Believe that you will rise above it, because you WILL!

Some will spread vicious lies about you but keep in mind that the truth ALWAYS speaks for itself. I will never cease from learning from my experiences. Life can teach you many things if you are willing to learn the lessons ~ the good as well as the bad.

A few days ago, I received a negative, very mean-spirited comment. While I recognize and encourage freedom of speech, I WILL NOT, under any circumstance accept judgment from anyone especially when it is based on lies and innuendos. Accordingly, I have exercised my freedom of speech and responded in kind to set the record straight!

At no time do I use this Blog as a means to "Bash" anyone. I write from my heart, about MY life experiences, my vulnerabilities and my faith.

I am not a preacher, nor do I claim to be an expert in anything. I only write about life as I KNOW it. Yes my stories have been filled with angst, pain, betrayal and sorrow however, I strive to find positive ways to inspire and encourage in spite of any negative experiences I may endure AND I am not ashamed of any of it ~ nor should you be!

I am happy to be who God wants me to be ~ not who others want me to be. I relate to my readers because we all suffer and go through tough times. Life is full of ebbs and flows and PLEASE believe me when I say that just as sure as the sun will shine, this too shall pass.

So don't fall prey to the naysayers ~ Plato said, "Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools speak because they have to say something!" How true and appropriate for the naysayers ARE the indeed the fools! I will not let a negative comment stop me from doing what I am being led to do.

I say what I mean and mean what I say. Each of us has to do what is in our own best interest, I only wish to encourage you to stand firm in your faith and not be ashamed or embarrassed because of tough times ~ speaking from personal experience only ~ it makes you a stronger and better person. God Bless you all! Just my two cents....

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Picking up the pieces......

Once you have been deeply wounded, it is difficult to say the least, to even fathom trusting again. Speaking from personal experience, I am here to tell you that not only is it possible but essential to your healing and spiritual growth!!

You cannot let the past dictate the course of your future. Never regret what you have said or done, regret what you DID NOT say or do.

Forget the memories that tore your heart apart in the first place. That's right ~ let them go!! Pick up the pieces one day at a time and move on.

Focus on the lessons. What have you gained from the pain you've endured? You are in the process of changing and evolving so embrace the "new you".

Look to what the future has to offer; it is there, shining BRIGHTLY ~ yours for the taking....Just reach for it! Are you a survivor? If the answer is yes, then KNOW that YOU WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!

You may fall down, but all you have to do is grab hold of God's hand for it is there, waiting for you to take hold of and help pick you up again! No matter what life throws at you, it is imperative to KNOW your inner strength and fortitude.

Do not be afraid to love again. I know the road to self discovery is a long, arduous and most often painful journey. Finding your true self will make the journey that much sweeter.

The first step starts with forgiving those who have wronged you. The second step is crucial and probably a little difficult, but you must give yourself permission to "forgive you", for you have not failed!

Next, learn to love yourself. Answer this question, "Do you have the courage to love the untamed you ~ unconditionally and can you be who you REALLY want to be"? If so, it is THEN that you can truly experience real FREEDOM!!

You've got to take chances, you MUST be willing to RISK losing it all. So my friends, close your eyes and take that leap ~ it just might be worth the fall! For me, my happy ending is simply moving on and LOVING the WOMAN I AM no matter what anyone else might think! Oh, one last thing, "Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it." Charles R. Swindoll ~ Just my two cents....

Monday, June 14, 2010

Life's Road Map

Sometimes the worst thing that happens to you can actually be the best thing for you, as long as you do not let it get the BEST of you!

I am finding that to be so very true ~ especially in spite of the horrific things that have happened in my life recently. I was in such a state of shock at my now estranged husband's betrayal.

How could I have been so stupid?! I was angry, blind-sided, in denial, and mired down in the muck from the pain. A pain so intense that it often manifested itself physically.

The unbearable ache in my heart ~ actually felt as if arrows were piercing at and tearing into my soul. My whole body ached and I WEPT deeply. The tears burned through my cheeks......it was just plain gut wrenching. To say I was lost, off track ~ well, that is quite the understatement.

But let me say this first ~ NEVER once did I doubt my faith nor did I feel any shame! Hell yes, I wanted to know why this was happening to me and how this "man" who claimed to love me caused me so much pain and distress!

Had I somehow done to something to motivate his behavior? I've been through tough times before, but nothing like this. How was I going to pull though? I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and saw that I was becoming a shell of who I once was.

I felt empty, fragile and very vulnerable. "SNAP out of it!" I screamed at myself. Sometimes I felt like life was mocking me ~ the only thing I was able to manage was to do what was familiar to me.

So I relied heavily on my faith, turning to my well-worn bible ~ frantically scouring my favorite passages for reasons why, why, WHY?!! Oh God ~ How I NEEDED ANSWERS!!

I devoured self-help books and wrote down my feelings daily. During one of those panic driven quests for God knows what ~ SOMETHING clearly stood out ~ I realized that no matter what, I am who I am ~ Take it or leave it!!

I MUST to be true to myself no matter what anyone says ~ NO APPROVAL needed!! I know this will not get the BEST of me! I still have many questions and I understand that I may never get them all answered in this lifetime, but this much I do know ~ God has a plan for each of us.

When He wants to Bless us; to get our attention ~ He wraps up His plan with a problem. The messier the problem, the bigger the BLESSING!!

Okay ~ so now what? What does that mean? Well, for starters, we have to BELIEVE and follow His road map ~ directions can be found RIGHT in front of you! My directions are my two beautiful children.

I look into their eyes and I instinctively KNOW ~ I MUST without a doubt, be strong for them ~ they depend on Mama for everything ~ as all children do. My role as a mother is very precious to me for Motherhood is such a wondrous GIFT!

My children did not ask for this ~ not that I did; but they are the innocents....my job, my priority is to PROTECT them!! But sometimes I hear this little voice in my mind asking, "Who is going to protect me"? Dare I ask that and still remain true to my faith?

Okay, yes my life has been pain-ridden lately. I fully recognize that there are people far worse off than me so I keep this in mind at all times to refrain from a self-induced "Pity Party".

With each new day, the sadness slowly fades. I have a renewed insight, inner-strength and even some peace. I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!! Yep, I will fall down but I shall rise again!

I have learned so much from this experience. My journey it seems, is just beginning and I continue to grow as a woman and as a mother. Guess what else? It is okay to ask 'why" ~ I have my road map right in front of me and All I have to do is reach for it.

I take each day as it comes, soaking up every new lesson life is determined to teach me. The hole on my heart is still there..and it still bleeds but it is healing, slowly but surely.

With each day, comes new promise. I am free to forgive and move on with no malice or anger but I will not forget and that is alright too. I cannot wait to see what lies ahead. I have no regrets, I have HOPE. When I look into the beautiful faces of my children, I am confidant that I am on the right road and my BEST is yet to come! Just my Two Cents........

Saturday, June 12, 2010

For your listening pleasure.....Introducing ~ John Beagley

How about something a little different tonight? I would like to introduce you all to a good friend of mine from the UK named John Beagley who happens to make fantastic music!! Please check out his myspace link to hear his new single ~ Walkaway. His music is very upbeat and touching. TRUST me, you will be in for a GREAT musical treat!! Have a wonderful night to all of my loyal followers. God Bless you all ~ each and everyone!! Here is the link; http://www.myspace.com/johnbeagleymusic
ENJOY!! Just my two cents......

Friday, June 11, 2010

Is it really possible to Forgive when you cannot Forget?

When someone you have trusted from your inner most circle betrays you, how can you really forgive them if you cannot forget the egregious act they have committed against you?

This is not a question to be taken lightly. It truly requires some deep reflection. Recently, I have been very distracted often finding myself wondering if Jesus was really able to "Forget" Judas' disloyalty...Of course, he forgave him and all the others who had turned against him ~ but did he really FORGET what they did?

Is that really even important? So many questions ~ so few answers. As by now, most of you know my faith is very important to me.

From the time I was a child I was taught never to hate anyone and to FORGIVE. I have always heeded those words with the utmost conviction. I listen when people have said things to me (and I am sure to quite a few of you) like, "Life is too short."

"Don't hold onto anger." But where does the hurt, pain, sadness and vulnerability go? No one really wants to walk around angry and bitter because someone "done them wrong." I get that!

You must move past the anger and forgive or you will be one miserable soul and let's face it, there are enough of "those" people around anyway. I just need to understand how to move on when you cannot FORGET...... I do not hate anyone.

I have come to terms with what has happened. Some people have suffered far worse than what I have experienced. Have they forgotten? My soul still burns with the question, "How can one truly Forgive if they cannot Forget?"

I would really love some feedback on this folks and am open to any suggestions. Life is to be lived to its fullest potential and I embrace that so, help me out ~ please. Just my two cents....

Monday, June 7, 2010

Life as I knew it.

Once upon a time, a little more than nine years ago, I thought I had it all. A man who professed to Love me, wanted to marry me and raise a family with me. We were going to live "Happily Ever After" or so I was led to believe.

Two beautiful children and three lovely homes later, I found out (unbeknownst to me) that I was not only living a lie but I was living with a pathological liar. This "Man" - my "Husband", took me to the brink of financial ruin not once or twice but three times.

I have been so stressed over his multiple job losses and worried about how we were going to survive while trying to put on a "Happy Face" for the sake of our two beautiful children. I wanted to protect them, make them feel safe ~ never letting this ugliness touch them.

I could not tell my family ~ due to the sheer embarrassment of it all. I was not looking for pity ~ just a way to make this marriage work after all, I took vows ~ "For better or Worse".

We tried marriage counseling with four different therapists, each time he found fault with them and after a few sessions, he refused to return. The stress took it's toll as I could not sleep, yet HE slept peacefully EVERY night.

I lost weight and suffered from constant and severe headaches. I was sick pretty much all the time. There were many days when I didn't even have the strength to get out of bed and face another day...but my babies kept me going.

My estranged husband and I argued constantly and soon I found out that he was purposefully goading me into arguments while he secretly taped me.

He kept a journal on me ~ trying to paint a picture that I was crazy, irrational and "mentally ill" ~ all the while claiming to LOVE me. He tried to have me committed, lied to the police and filed false charges against me stating that I threatened to kill him ~ he is 6'3 and weighs 230, I am 5'10' and weigh between 139-140 lbs.

Talk about NIGHTMARE!! Then he gave me a Mother's Day Card ~ I am not joking! How did things go so wrong?! Why did I not see this coming ~ or did I? Am I one of those women who ignored the red flags?

When I reflect on how we met and our early dating years I can recall catching him in several untruths. Did I somehow bring this on myself? During the course of our subsequent marriage, I caught him in so many lies (he said he did it to protect me)

"Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either." ~ Albert Einstein. A lie is a lie is a LIE! Needless to say, we are now embroiled in a full fledged divorce battle. I need to to know how someone who claims to love me could betray me, lie to my face and try to keep my children from me?

I am confused, afraid, sad and deeply wounded. I have so many unanswered questions..........Lately, when I close my eyes, my inner child shows herself to me. We are standing atop a tall mountain, yielding a mighty sword and she reassures me that "I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!"

I don't know what the future holds for it is not guaranteed. I can only take life one day at a time. I know it will take quite some time for me to heal ~ luckily for me ~ time is on my side.

I forgive although ~ I will NEVER forget, the pain, betrayal and suffering. I realize that I am stronger because of my hard times, I am wiser because of my mistakes, I am happier because of my sad times (there are many) and I am smarter because of my confusion. I realize that if I fall down seven times, I MUST stand up on eight!!

This not a rehearsal, life as I once knew it is over, GONE....I rely on my faith, the unconditional love of my beautiful children and family to put the pieces back together.........Sharing, helps me to heal. Just my two cents.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Calm before the Storm......

When it rains it pours so when the hell is the thunderstorm that's going on in my life going to end?

Have you ever noticed the eerie silence right before a storm hits? It is so quiet that it is almost deafening. There is such a strange feeling of calm; but deep beneath the surface of your soul, you KNOW what is to come.

You are about to come face to face with pure EVIL. You cannot run, you cannot hide ~ you MUST remain where you are, with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Faith and experience tell you, "Fear no evil; for Thou art with me." (Psalm 23:4)

But what happens when you ARE afraid? Surely God will sustain you through the driving rain, so fierce that, at times it feels like hot spears piercing your skin; burning their way through to your bones.

It hurts so much that the emotional pain actually feels physical. The wind howls incessantly around you almost swallowing you whole. Will it ever end? What can we do to weather this storm? How do we remain calm? Is it okay to be afraid even though you have Faith? Just My Two Cents.........